President’s Ponderings – September 2020

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To all our members and friends – welcome to this Spring edition newsletter.

There are a lot of things happening in and around the club, at this time, and with a lot of information to pass on, we hope that this newsletter will assist in that regard.

We are so fortunate to be living in this great State of WA, and whilst numerous other areas are still struggling to get through the Covid situation, we find ourselves in the enviable position of virtually living life as normal (with only a few exceptions.)

Our club has weathered the time of pool closures, and social distancing measures, etc very well, and we have bounced back, stronger and better than ever.

It is really pleasing to see the high numbers of our members participating in the training sessions, all the way through the Winter months, and it is a great motivation for us all. As we look forward to the warmer months ahead and with a variety of swim events on offer, there is anticipation of increased participation. Great positive vibe all around.

And we welcome those people trying out with us for the first time. We hope you find challenge and enjoyment during your time with us, and hopefully you decide to join us on our journey of “fun, fitness and friendship”.

And to those of our members who are training for some of the “big” events during the Summer, we are all behind you (because we are slower !!) and support you in your efforts to get over the ditch, or around all those buoys, or whatever your event may entail. Good luck with it all.

Everything of the best to All. And remember to savour and enjoy these times – they are special.



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